January 08, 2019.

In a rare show of pragmatism, the newly appointed Afghan National Security Advisor Hamdullah Mohib appears to be one not for blame-game or finger-pointing. While speaking to the Indian news media channel Strategic News International (SNI) about the dynamics of the Afghan peace process and the role of Pakistan, the new advisor remained open to constructive cooperation with all neighboring states while seeming optimistic about bringing peace in his country.

When asked about how he sees the US vis-à-vis Pakistan in holding the government allegedly responsible for acts of terrorism against the people in Afghanistan, the Afghan NSA did not let the anchor put any words in his mouth and engage in any kind of negativity by simply stating that “terrorism is the enemy of us all”. Further adding that “we are all tied together in the region.” This highlights that the NSA is focused on bringing peace to his country by whatsoever legitimate means possible, rather than being part of any self-interested conflicting politics.

Responding to a question about changes in Afghanistan’s administration including the appointment of Amrullah Saleh as the Interior Minister, the Acting Defense Minister Khalid and the ex-NSA Directors who, the anchor added, were both virulently against alleged safe havens and sanctuaries in Pakistan, what is the message being sent out right now? The advisor again diplomatically refrained from mud-slinging and limited his response to saying that “peace is the desire of our people but until there is peace, we must defend our people. The message is simple. We will defend our people and we will do it with strength.”

The anchor pressed that the US has been asked repeatedly to take up the safe havens or make sure that Pakistan takes action against them, how do you visualize that progress in the current scenario after President Trump’s tweet against Pakistan on the 1st of January last year and him now writing letters to Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan for a meeting? The anchor did not stop there and asked directly if “Pakistan is still stuck in the mindset of the 1980’s, is it willing to change?” The National Security Advisor persistently ignored the question and stated that he can only speak for what Afghanistan is doing instead. “For us, it is important that we bring stability to Afghanistan and we will do it at every cost that we have to pay. We have made a tremendous amount of sacrifices; at first to defeat the invaders that had come in the 1980s. We will continue to defend our nation today. In the last 17 years, some 55,000 Afghan security forces were martyred and they sacrificed their lives for us to be able to see a better future. We are not going to give up on that,” he said.

He further said that Afghanistan has gone through a very difficult period for the last four decades. However, the country is now on the cusp of achieving peace and committed to making and seeing that become a reality.

Regarding President Trump’s South Asia policy that was announced in August 2017 which the President reversed recently, the advisor stated that the drawdown would not have a significant impact. “We have been preparing and have been actually leading the security efforts since 2014 when a 100,000 US and NATO troops withdrew from Afghanistan. We are continuing to build on the capacity and capability of our own security forces and are quite proud of the achievements they have had over the last four years. We are prepared for whatever is to come. I have full confidence in their capacity,” he said.

He added that, “We have recently had some changes in the leadership to fix the gaps that may have existed. The rest, Afghanistan has defended itself for centuries that have passed us and we will continue to stay strong and defend our rights. It is a sovereign nation that has never given in to anyone who would try to conquer us. And today, we must say that we are in a very strong position to be able to bring long-term stability to Afghanistan.”

Referring to the Parliamentary elections held in Afghanistan in October 2018, he stated that despite all kinds of threats, the people of Afghanistan stood in lines to vote. This is a clear message by the people that they want to be in control of their own future.

Further, to a query on the limited area controlled by the Afghan government, the advisor stated that about 89% of the Afghan population is living in areas that are provided for by Afghan security forces and the Afghan Government is providing all services it can to the Afghan people.

On the issue of the Taliban refusing to hold talks with the Afghan government, the advisor stated that, “If the Taliban are Afghans and would like to see and play a role in Afghanistan, I would once again use this opportunity to call on them to have talks with Afghans. There will be no peace without intra-Afghan dialogue.”

Additionally, he said that “the Afghan government on multiple occasions has offered opportunities for direct dialogue and unconditional talks. The fact that we are ready to sit without any pre-conditions is a big step, something which was not available in the past. As time passes, this opportunity may not always exist.”
Moreover, he stated that the Afghan Government is now reforming the police as well as the Afghan army where there are new well-trained leaders at all levels now. The country is prepared for its national defense, and ready to make any sacrifices to bring stability in the country. If the Taliban would like to be part of this process and serve the Afghan people, the Government is ready to discuss any grievances they might have.

In the backdrop of all positive developments with regard to Afghan peace process, Hamdullah Mohib’s appointment appears to be another positive development.
Disclaimer: Views expressed on this blog are not necessarily endorsed or supported by the Center for Research and Security Studies, Islamabad.

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