November 24, 2020

As a gesture of goodwill, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani issued a presidential decree, pardoning several Pakistani prisoners. The decree came under the Afghanistan’s Constitution Section 18, Article 64, pardoning the imprisonment of convicts of the Pakistani citizens and ordering their release, who have been sentenced with the final decision of the courts.
The decree coupled with the maiden visit by Prime Minister Imran Khan to Kabul marks a positive development in Pakistan-Afghanistan relations. According to the presidential order, the prisoners who have completed their terms or near completion of their terms, but unable to pay their fines, would be released. Although the decree, does not clearly states the number of released prisoners, yet it is a sign of good faith on behalf of Afghan President, as a step to strengthening ties with Islamabad and is hailed with good spirit.
PM Khan’s visit to Kabul termed by President Ghani as ‘historic’ showed renewed Pakistan’s commitment to peace and stability in Afghanistan. The visit culminated in the issue of “A Shared Vision between Pakistan and Afghanistan” to support peace and stability in both countries and the wider region. PM Khan also pledged to do everything possible in reducing violence in Afghanistan as the two countries are trying to build their relationship anew based on mutual partnership for peace and stability in the region.
It is hoped that these positive steps will augment the relations between the two neighborly states with shared cultural and religious ties. As the peace talks in Doha attempts to bring an end to 19 year-long conflict with intra-Afghan peace, such renewed efforts by both Pakistan and Afghanistan to establish their relations based on mutual trust and partnership, would usher into a progressive future at the regional level.
Tooba Altaf is an International Relations graduate while working as a Researcher at the Center for Research and Security Studies (CRSS), Islamabad.
© Center for Research and Security Studies (CRSS) and Afghan Studies Center (ASC), Islamabad.