December 21, 2017

The Pakistani PAJC delegation met with the Speaker of Wolesi Jirga- the Lower House of Afghan Parliament also known as the National Assembly of Afghanistan, Mr. Abdul Rauf Ibrahimi at the National Assembly Secretariat on Saturday 16 December at 8:30 am.

The Speaker Mr. Abdul Rauf Ibrahimi welcomed the Pakistani delegation saying: “Please allow me to warmly welcome to all guests, brothers and sisters from our brotherly country to the to the National Assembly- The House of the People of Afghanistan- especially to the parliamentarians Senators Murtaza Wahab and Shibli Faraz and MNA Shazia Marri and Rana Afzal Khan, and to all other members of the delegation who had an important meeting yesterday”.

As Pakistan is a neighboring and brotherly country with which we share many commonalities. Pakistan has extended great hospitality to our refugees and stood with us during the Soviet invasion; our success was because of Pakistan. After the successful mission during Jihad nothing fundamental especially in the infrastructure development took place because of interference of other countries.

Although at the time of Jihad we shared common goals and objectives. But, unfortunately, after Jihad we faced terrorism and bloodshed; and even right now are still victims of terrorism.

We consider it crucial to expand people to people relations between the two countries, particularly to expand trade and commerce relations, which without any doubt can benefit both countries and the region. If we cooperate on trade we can reach out to Central Asian Republics.

Distinguished guests, we have had several high level meetings with parliamentary delegations and other delegations, during which Pakistan had promised many important measures including trade & commerce and security related issues, but, unfortunately Pakistan side has not delivered on those promises and as a result there are still no results so far. Despite this, engagement is must to find solutions: “It is very important to engage further to improve our bilateral relations in all spheres and at every level; So that, we can build a prosperous, long lasting, and stable relationship”.

Speaking from the Pakistan delegation, MNA Shazia Marri thanked the Speaker for meeting with the visiting delegation. She said: “I am delighted to hear your views about peace and stability and on trade and commerce cooperation. We feel very happy to be here sitting in the House of people of Afghanistan. I would also like to thank CRSS for its continued efforts towards these track II dialogues and our Afghan host partner OESP”.

Ms. Marri further said: “I am also equally concerned on the issues that you have raised and highlighted. We need to work together for the betterment of our people in both countries. I strongly believe in finding mutually beneficial solution since peace is not mutually exclusive”. We need to work on commonalities. People who lived in Pakistan as refugees for many years can serve as the bridge and ambassadors of peace. The relationship should be Afghan led and Pakistan led – bilateral. She mentioned the Joint Declaration of Policy recommendations that the groups formulated on Friday, particularly recommendations on the trade and commerce. We request to work for a middle ground to improve narratives by minimizing negative rhetoric.

The head of Pakistan delegation, MNA Rana Afzal Khan and Finance Parliamentary Secretary, said: “first of all on behalf of the Pakistan delegation let me thank you for inviting us to your august house. We have had very useful and fruitful discussions yesterday.  Based on the recommendations, we would like to extend our full cooperation for education, health, refugees’ repatriation, trade. Pakistan is trying to offer all facilities to the youth of Afghanistan”. Pakistan has suffered the most against terrorism. We need to tackle this menace of terrorism jointly. The recent Pakistan COAS Gen. Bajwa’ visit and the formation of mutual working groups on Pakistan proposals is a welcome development.

Rana Afzla further added: “I would like to extend an invitation to you to visit Pakistan as Speaker of Afghan national Assembly along with a Parliamentary delegation to the Speaker’s Conference being held in Islamabad next weekend”.

Speaker Ibrahimi thanked him for the kind invitation saying: “We have already received an invitation from Pakistan Speaker of national Assembly, Mr. Ayaz Sadiq, and we are looking forward to visit Pakistan next week with a parliamentary delegation for the Speaker’s Conference”.

Rana Afzal presented the Joint Declaration of Policy Proposals to the Speaker.

Afghan MP, Ms. Fozia Koofi speaking on behalf of the Afghan parliamentarians, said: “I have the honor of being part of the Beyond Boundaries track II dialogues, both countries conflict and peace should be led by institutions such as parliaments”.

She further said that trust is the key to conflict resolution; we need to change the negative narratives. Look at issues through your own lens. Public sentiment is important; in order to change narratives we need evidence. While we acknowledge the great hospitality of Pakistan towards Afghan refugees, we would like to request to continue helping Afghans. Reduction in violence is must. Every terrorit attack is followed by questions. Afghan and Pak governments must give us the evidence of walk-the-talk to help us go back to our constituencies with confidence. The challenge in today’s Afghanistan is anybody who speaks against Pakistan is treated as national hero.

Along with the Speaker, the other members from the National Assembly (Afghanistan) present in the meeting included: Mr. Abdul Qader Zazai, Member and Secretary of Parliament; Ms. Fozia Koofi, Member of Parliament and Head of Women Affairs Committee; Mr. Khalid Pashtoon, Member of Parliament; Mr. Mohammed Yusuf Majrooh, Member of Parliament; and Mr. Sabir, Member of Parliament.

After the meeting the PAJC members visited live proceedings of the Wolesi Jirga session.

© Center for Research and Security Studies (CRSS) and Afghan Studies Center (ASC), Islamabad.

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