Afghan Delegates Visit National University of Science & Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan

During the sixth meeting of the Pakistan Afghanistan Joint Committee held in Islamabad, as part of outreach and university interaction planned for the group, two members each from the PAJC also visited the National University of Science & Technology (NUST) on Wednesday, March 29, 2017. The Pakistani speakers were Mr. Qazi Humayun, former ambassador; and Ayesha Gulalai, Member of National Assembly, while the Afghan speakers were Mr. Khalid Pashtoon and Ms. Elay Ershad, both members of Parliament. The four speakers spoke on the theme, “Pak-Afghan Bilateral Relations: Explaining Perspectives.” The program was arranged in collaboration with the Centre for International Peace & Stability (CIPS) at the NUST Institute of Peace & Conflict Studies (NIPCONS) Department. CRSS Executive Director Mr. Imtiaz Gul represented CRSS.

There were about of 35-40 students and faculty members present in the audience.

The session commenced with short introductions of the distinguished speakers from Afghanistan and Pakistan. Mr. Khalid Pashtoon, Member of Afghan Parliament, stated that he was pleased to be in one of the advanced universities of Pakistan and that the higher number of girls in attendance in the auditorium as compared to boys showed the culture of education in Pakistan. He told the audience that he was here to improve and understand the two brotherly nations.

About CRSS University Outreach: As part of CRSS efforts to promote people to people contact, especially engaging the youth of both countries,  the Beyond Boundaries track 1.5/II project undertaken by Center for Research and Security Studies, Islamabad (CRSS) also comprised university visits. In this connection, Pakistan-Afghanistan Joint Committee members from parliament and the civil society from both countries visited universities in Pakistan and Afghanistan to bridge the gulf of mistrust between the two peoples and foster friendly relations.

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