Ambassador Mohammad Sadiq, Pakistan’s Special Representative for Afghanistan, announced on September 7, 2022, that Pakistan is resuming Allama Iqbal Scholarship Program for Afghan students.

The incumbent tweeted that Phase III of the Allama Iqbal Scholarship Program (2022-2031) for Afghan students will commence shortly. Under this program, 4,500 new scholarships will be awarded in the next three years. At least, one-third of the scholarships will be awarded to female students. He further mentioned that Pakistan will allocate Rs. 12.686 billion to fund this phase. Allama Iqbal Scholarship Program is highly popular as it places Afghan students in professional fields like medicine, engineering, agriculture, and business studies in large numbers. He also underscored that over 30,000 students from across Afghanistan will compete for 1,500 scholarships every year. Successful candidates will be placed in the best professional colleges and universities in Pakistan. He also added that SOPs are being devised for the third phase of the scholarship program which would be advertised in the next few weeks.


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