November 12, 2021
The trade relationship between Afghanistan and Pakistan has improved significantly post the establishment of the new Taliban-led government. Pakistan has introduced several excellent confidence building measures to strengthen the trade ties between the two countries, hence stabilizing the Afghan economy. One of the key steps taken was inviting a delegation of Afghan traders to listen to their concerns and facilitate them in all possible ways. The delegation’s visit, followed by Pakistani Foreign Minister’s visit to Afghanistan, yielded in some excellent initiatives like visa relaxations for patients and traders, exemption of custom duty on imports from Afghanistan, opening of Spin Boldak-Chaman border crossing point, facilitation of Afghan students enrolled in Pakistani educational institutions and return of empty transit trade containers.

In continuation of Pakistan’s efforts to facilitate Pak-Afghan bilateral and transit trade, An Afghan delegation led by Mr. Khan Jan Alokozai, Co-Chairman PAJCCI arrived from Afghanistan to participate in a focus group discussion with Speaker National Assembly, Mr. Asad Qaiser, members of the National Assembly, civil society representatives, and eminent businesspersons.

During the meeting, the traders from Afghanistan and Pakistan put forward some concerns and recommendations that can aid in strengthening regional connectivity, including the continuation of the visit visa policy i.e., the provision of 6 months multiple entries visit visa; the finalization of a Pak-Afghan joint mechanism for the resolution of the issue of return of empty containers; reduction and exemptions on duties and tariffs on different goods for the promotion of bilateral trade; finalization of a revised APTTA that addresses the current issues and discrepancies; restoration of Pakistan’s chicken exports to Afghanistan; and the opening of more gateways in Balochistan as it shares a 1200 km border with Afghanistan in such a way that each district has one gateway for trade and people crossing in order to lessen the burden at Chaman border crossing point.
Welcoming the concerns raised by the Afghan delegation, Mr. Asad Qaiser, Speaker National Assembly, apprised the gathering about the initiatives Pakistan government has taken to facilitate the bilateral trade between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Some of the key steps mentioned by the Speaker included the establishment of a special committee under the headship of National Security Advisor, Dr. Moeed Yusuf and Pakistan’s Special Envoy for Afghanistan, Ambassador Muhammad Sadiq, to monitor the bilateral and transit trade on a daily basis along with the establishment of a special committee for FATA to tackle border issues and prevent conflict, which might spill over across the border; initiation of the issuance of five-year business visa for Afghan traders; complete exemption of tariff on perishable items and revision of tariff on other goods too; easing the account opening procedures for the Afghan businesspersons to promote documented economy; and the formation of border liaison committees to hold frequent meetings with their Afghan counterparts to resolve current challenges at the borders.

While promising the inclusion of traders from both Pakistan and Afghanistan in the Pak-Afghan Friendship Group to gain their technical insight on issues concerning bilateral and transit trade between the two countries, Speaker’s technical team also requested the Afghan delegation to remove the infrastructural hindrances on the Afghan side of the border to facilitate the 24/7 operation of the Chaman border crossing point and the dual transportation carriage at the Torkham border crossing point.
The discussion paved way for increased trade collaborations between the two countries in the future and facilitated the interaction of relevant stakeholders from both sides in a friendly atmosphere. It is expected that the authorities on both sides will take the concerns and requests put forward by the traders into account and make efforts for the smoothening of bilateral and transit trade between the two countries. The delegation was optimistic that their concerned will be addressed and the trade relations between the two countries will be enhanced so that both the countries derive maximum economic benefit from mutual trade.
Courtesy: Matrix Magazine